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History of the Village Hall

Research by Joan West (2021)

Site History

The site upon which the Hall now stands was, even before the Enclosures of Princes Risborough in 1823, one of the very few premises privately owned freehold.

Porto Bello

Village Hall future site

In a map published in 1818 the site is clearly shown. It consisted of a meadow, on the West side of which stood Porto Bello Cottages. It is named "Russell's Porto Bello".

It is very unusual for any property to be given an actual name at that time. "Russell Close (field)" would have been more usual.

It is not known if Russell was the owner, the mortgagee or it had simply previously belonged to Russell and so been called "Russell's, but where did Porto Bello come from?

Village Hall future site

1823 Enclosures

In the Enclosures of Princes Risborough it is recorded as an old, freehold enclosure, number 642 allotted to Sarah Shard of Grymsdyke Lodge.

Hall History in brief

It starts with a Deed Of Gift

  1. 3rd April 1924. Deed of Gift from Harold Edward Carter of Grymsdyke 27 perches of land.
  2. January 1977, Gift of a flag and flag-pole from Mrs Waite of Loosley House
  3. 8th February 1977. Piece of previously loaned land to the rear of the Village Hall, given by Lady Bateman.

A perch is an old English linear measure equal to 5.50 yards or 16.5 feet (5.03 meters)

In this case possibly meaning the perimeter = 150 yards (136 meters)


The Following extracts are from articles published in Hallmark over the years. Some are anonymous, but research shows the contents to be accurate

Article 1

Saunders And Son

"I contacted Mr John Saunders, who was able to give me more details. The Hall was originally built during the 1914-18 war at Halton Camp, where it was used as the Sergeants' Mess. It was split into several "rooms" but the dividers were left out when it was re-erected. Mr Saunders thinks it was acquired in 1923 or 1924 and he and his father (J.W. Saunders) dismantled it at Halton and brought it in sections to Lacey Green. When they rebuilt it they raised the foundations to give the building greater height."

1st Village Hall

Money And Help

"Getting the Hall in those days meant a lot of work for these two small villages. To help get the money there was a house-to-house collection, also a call for volunteers for the road work for the entrance to the Village Hall. Mr Albert Kirby and Mr Arch Lacey were two such volunteers. I cannot say how many more.

Roads back then were made from local chalk as in this image.

Chalk Rd
1st Village Hall


The Hall in the first beginning had oil lamps for the lighting, also a round black boiler with coal, so it meant a lot of cleaning weekly.

Three women applied, the lowest at 5/- (5 shillings) per week. About £15 in todays money.

Boiler heating system


Water had to be drawn from the tank adjoining the Hall. The copper had to be filled and lit by wood and heated up by coal.

Later a new kitchen was added on the front, which was a treat, not to have the long journey to the original Kitchen."

1st Village Hall

Article 2

Village Hall Beyond Repair

From the Parish Council Meeting minutes of November 1934

A letter was received from the Hon. Secretary of the Lacey Green Village Hall to the effect that at the General Meeting concerning the Village Hall it was unanimously decided that a new hall was essential as the present hall was beyond repair. The committee decided to ask the various organisations of Lacey Green and Loosley Row to consider the subject and to send a representative who would place before the Hall Committee their ideas respectively at a General Meeting to be held November 16th, 1934

The parish council declined to attend the meeting deciding this was an area over which they had no jurisdiction."

Researcher's Note

In 1934

  1. The Church, the Methodist Chapel, the Baptist Chapel, the School, the Woman's Institute and the newly formed Parish Council and any of their sub committees were the only organisations in the villages in 1934.
  2. The country was in turmoil and heading into a severe depression
  3. It is not known what happened at the meeting on November 16th 1934, but in the 1950's, after the 2nd world war, the same old hut had some modernisation (some 17 years after the cry for help for a new hall had gone out in 1934).
  4. Read later how the same old hall was renovated and extended in 1979.
  5. And later still how the "much needed new hall" was eventually built in 1999, 77 years after the old second-hand army hut was brought to Lacey Green.

Article 3

As Told By The Village Hall Itself In 1983.
(Suspected author Ted Janes, Hallmark editor)

By Horse and Cart
"I came to Lacey Green in 1923 by horse and cart, bought by the villagers by a door to door collection. It was reincarnation rather than birth, as my life had started as a mess - a sergeants' mess at Halton Camp in 1916. When I was surplus to requirements, together with many such buildings, we were sold off and dispersed far and wide.

Harold Carter
I was re-erected by local builders Saunders & Sons, on 27 perches of land given to the village by Harold Carter of Grymsdyke.

A Great Asset
Right away I was a great asset to the community. Clubs, groups and organisations formed themselves to meet under my corrugated iron roof to the often quoted "When it rains it don't 'arf rattle". But it was cosy enough inside, particularly when the wind was in the right direction to draw the two coke combustion stoves up to a red glow, and my oil lamps casting gentle shadows across the whist players' hands.

Loosley Row And Lacey Green Women's Institute
Quite soon after my opening, one such newly formed group was the Loosley Row and Lacey Green Women's Institute. They quickly became my guardian angels, supplying many of my needs, window curtains, stage curtains and back cloths. With so many W.I. Members serving on my committee, for many years I was under 'petticoat' government.

Saturday Dances
In those early days not much took place on week-nights other than the mens' clubs, playing cards and billiards, also a few meetings. But on Saturday nights it was whist-drives (up to 20 tables) or dances with the local bands of Cecil Saunders and Harold Williams. Many couples met at these dances, wed and held their wedding receptions under my roof.

The Vicar Attacked
These dances were at first attacked from the pulpit. The Vicar warning his young congregation that to attend these Saturday night jollifications would make them not eligible for Confirmation Class.

Attack Short Lived
My conflict with the church did not last long and I recall The happy moments of those Sunday School Christmas parties, and combined denominational services, particularly those to mark Armistice Sunday (alas no longer held).

Luckily I have never been short of benefactors, from the first gift of ground from Harold Carter, to the new kitchen and toilet block in 1959 and additional ground in 1977, both by Lady Bateman of Grymsdyke. And more recently generous grants from the Bucks County Council and the Department of the Environment.

My Carers
For 50 years of my life I was lovingly cared for in a caretaker capacity by Mrs Min Adams, and if that's not enough her husband Fred Adams was secretary or joint secretary for 40 years. Also their daughter Phyllis married to Bill Dell, is at present (1983) the longest serving member of my committee. A unique record of 60 years dedication to me by one family.

Dedication Of Officers
It seems that dedication is a quality I attract. The Chairman, Secretaries and Treasurers throughout my life could be counted on both hands; such people as the late Mr and Mrs Carter, Fred Adams, the Reverend Steward, Mr Tong, Miss Fagge, Mrs Jourdan, Arch Lacey, Lady Bateman, M Knott, "Mosh" Saunders, Ted Janes, Vera Griffiths, Geoff Prince, Randall Evans, Brian Lunn and Sue Parslow.

Frantic Money Raising
By the early 1970's the influx of people into Lacey Green and Loosley Row made it obvious that I was too small, and my committee began ten years of frantic money raising, helped by many of the newcomers, my seams were stretched to their limits by the success of month after month of fund raising events, making the sum of £15,000, that together with grants made it possible for my renovation.

Baby Welfare and B.C.C. Library
My uses today are much more of a sporting and entertaining nature. In the 40's and 50's I housed the baby welfare clinic for 20 years, dishing out 100's of gallons of orange juice and cod liver oil. Also the Bucks County Library manned by W. I. volunteers.

WW2 And After
I recall with pride my wartime service, training facility for the Home Guard, and the entertainment I was able to supply the boys in blue from Bomber Command. After the war the victory celebrations, also the many celebrations for royal occasions.

Fun Factory
Today my critics say I look like a factory. That may be true, but then I am a sort of 'fun' factory. Inside I feel I have few critics, because as a functional, cosy and comfortable hall I am the envy of many of my brothers and sisters throughout Buckinghamshire.

The Future?
What of the future? Will my modern plastic cladding last as long as the old corrugated iron? Maybe not, but I am confident from the past records that Lacey Green and Loosley Row will always find the people to keep me respectable and useful for this community. To all those who have done just this during my last 60 years, I send my grateful thanks."

Village Hall future site

Village Hall future site
Mini Adams then retired

Researcher's Note

Transformed From Barren Hall

As mentioned above it was the newly formed Women's Institute in 1924 that transformed the army hut into a welcoming amenity during its early years here.

When the first enthusiasm passed, a committee was required, a treasurer was needed to keep track of the expenditure and income from lettings, and a secretary to record decisions and bookings. This was done on an effective but somewhat casual basis until Ted Janes got involved.

Article 4

Ted Janes,

Chairman Of The Village Hall Committee

Ted Recalls
"In the late 1950s my wife and I ran the Village Youth Club and I attended the Village Hall AGM to repudiate criticism that the youth were causing damage to the Hall. I left the meeting having strongly made my point and also having been elected Chairman, proposed by Mrs. M. Bateman (her husband had not yet become Sir Geoffrey).

Not Democratic
In this new position I soon found my job not very easy. A quartet of ladies, namely Miss Fagge, Mrs Frederick, Miss Fletcher and Mrs Bateman had set themselves, very commendably, as custodians of the hall. The week before a meeting, over coffee mornings and telephone conversations, the contents of an agenda would be cut and dried. I had to be very firm and made it plain that if I was to remain chairman, things would have to be conducted a little more democratically.

No Secretary
Like many organisations, the post of secretary was vacant and no-one could be found until Mrs. Bateman volunteered. So, as Chairman and Secretary, we worked harmoniously and happily for several years. I got to know what a kind, considerate and caring person she was and of course, she was very generous

Mrs Bateman's Generosity
The old hall benefited greatly from her generosity, as did the Sports Club, Lacey Green and Speen Schools and many other charities she supported. But it was never Margaret - always Mrs Bateman and never Ted - always Mr. Janes.

Ground To Enlarge The Hall
About this time, I was also Chairman of the Parish Council and several times I pleaded with her to sell or give the field that is now Roundlands and Eastlands estates for a playing field, but to no avail. But the fact that those estates include some old people's bungalows was through her initiative. And she did give a good strip of ground at the back of the old Hall, without which it is doubtful the new Hall could have been erected. Sir Geoffrey and Lady Bateman retired in 1970, moving from the village.

From Doug Tilbury, 'Still Shaking'.

It was around this time when Ted was in charge and following the addition of an indoor kitchen and toilets that a problem arose as to disposal of the outside arrangements. in their wisdom the VH committee decided to call on my expertise for the removal of what had been such a most useful and much needed and necessary building.

l arrived with my tractor and trailer with no little thought on how l was to remove such a well established building.

At first l tried to dismantle said building but with very little progress - it was built like a br....!!?? to withstand the fiercest gale or anything ‘nature’ could throw at it - so I then decided to pull it over with my Tractor. Still no luck, all l got was ‘wheel spin’ - it was built like a fortress, by the local builder.

Every dwelling in the village had one either up or down the garden, usually with a Nut Hazel planted behind, so l decided that a last and final effort would be to ‘set fire’ to the darn thing and burn it down, so l put a match to it. It took hold and went "like a house on fire”. The heat was intense, so much so that the tarred cladding on the VH was beginning to melt. The said building was less than twenty yards from the VH and my heart was racing! What am l going to do?

As luck would have it, the fire steadied - was it slowing? It seemed an age as there was no stopping it! l stood there shaking but then realised, hey, job done.

About ten minutes later a man appeared “l'm from the Minimax fire extinguisher company come to do the yearly test on the fire extinguishers,” You couldn't make it up.

l drove home still shaking on my tractor, never to be forgotten.

Need an expert.....

Researcher's Note

Taken For Granted
In Researching the Hall it does seem that many of the residents here never think about "What makes it tick?". They can't think it runs itself? Luckily there has always been a dedicated committee to keep it ship-shape and running successfully. Over the years finances have sometimes been very tight, especially when the building needed major work done to it.

Hallmark is a Village Hall Committee magazine, first published in 1970. There is always a report from the Village Hall Committee in that.

Rising To The Occasion
Although the villagers may seem to take the everyday running of things for granted, when the call goes out to raise money for a major project they always seem to "pull out all the stops". Something in which the residents of Loosley Row and Lacey Green excel. It has been proved over and over again.

Call To Raise £15,000 In 1978
Is raising money a good excuse to have some fun? Yes there was certainly that. But I also remember the vicar, Bernard Houghton, setting off on a 15 mile sponsored walk, limping, for he had painful arthritis. And, yes he did complete it. Over and above the call of duty! I'm sure there were others too who were not just having fun, but rising to the call.

A Really Major Problem
By 1970 with a rapidly growing population and a very ancient building, the Village Hall applied for a grant towards a new Hall. It was turned down. However, grants were being given for renovation. Architects drew up complicated plans.

Article 5

Village Hall Committee Report

- February Hallmark 1977

Gift Of Land
The piece of ground at the rear of the hall, loaned for many years, is now kindly being given by Lady Bateman. For the purpose of conveyance Mrs Vera Griffiths And Mr E W Janes (Ted Janes) will act as trustees.

Letting Conditions
Concern expressed about the improper use the hall receives; fire extinguishers moved from their positions, electrical appliances tampered with. A letting code of conditions and conduct is to be prepared.

Harder To Raise Money
The Social committee is finding it harder to raise money than last year. The Christmas sale made £105, the Turkey Supper £50 and £135 for catering for a private party The Carol Singing on a terrible night, poorly attended, raised £7 for charity.

Article 6

Land Adjoining The Village Hall

By County and District Councillor Geoffrey Spear.
Hallmark Feb 1978

When the Council purchased the area of land behind the Village Hall for development, there was a strip of land included which connected the land to the Main Road It is proposed as part of the layout to provide a three metre wide path between the estate and the Main Road for use of residents, and this will leave an area approximately 295 square metres spare.

The Village Hall Committee are anxious to aquire this land for additional car parking space, and discussions have accordingly been held with them which have resulted in a provisional agreement whereby the public path will follow the boundary of the adjoining property and will connect with the Main Road in the position at present occupied by the bus shelter. It is proposed accordingly to convey to the Village Hall committee the land, most of which will provide an extension to the Village Hall boundaries, but one triangle of which will be on the other side of the footpath. The sale will be subject to the bus shelter being moved onto this land and the triangle of land to be available for public use. There will also be a condition that the remainder of the land forming an extension to the Village Hall grounds will be used only in connection with activities in the Village Hall.

Article 7

A New Village Hall.

Report In Hallmark By Randall Evans, Chairman,
Village Hall Committee

A letter from the County Education Department was presented to the committee of 13ty July 1978. The letter made formal offer of grant aid for the extension and restoration of the Village Hall. The sum offered is three-quarters of the first half of the total estimated cost. No promise for the second half until next year's grants are considered. The committee agreed to accept the sum offered totalling £17,775 and to instruct the architect to proceed with working drawings and specification for the whole scheme.

The committee felt that it must take the slight risk involved as we might otherwise lose our place in the queue.

Village Hall Plan 71

Article 8

Village Hall AGM Report

7th March 1979 (Hallmark)

"The A.G.M. of the Village Hall was held on March 7th, surprisingly with a smaller attendance than last year. I say surprisingly, because with building work in progress at the hall I would have expected stimulated interest. Those who did attend were welcomed by the Chairman, Randall Evans, who outlined the work already in progress on stage 1 on the hall renovation and extensions, to be completed by June, and the second stage, provided grants are available, to carry on from June, to be completed by the end of September or early October.

A jubilant Treasurer reported a record year with income from lettings, fund-raising and investment totalling over £4,000.

The Elected Committee Members for 1979/80

The Representative Members Honorary Officers

Balance Sheet 31st December 1978
Reserve fund 1st Jan 1978 £11,685.97,
plus Excess of Income over expenditure £1,031.51
TOTAL £12,717.48

Article 9


June 1979 In Hallmark

By Randall Evans, Chairman Of Village Hall Committee

Dell Brothers
"Dell Brothers are well on with the first phase, which comprises the larger extension along the back of the hall. This will provide the new entrance where the old bar was, inside mens and womens toilets on either side, and straight ahead the committee room and bar. The new entrance to the Hall proper is here too, in the opposite corner from the old one.

Exactly half the total cost is in this phase - £23, 698, including fees and V.A.T. Of this sum we have to find less than £6,000, the remainder being grants, 25% from the County and 50% from the Department of Education.

2nd Phase
The second phase should start at the end of May and all approvals for this have been given, but we are waiting for these in writing This phase consists of new building right along the street side, containing stores and extensions to the Hall, all the work of renovating inside the old Hall and a new covered portico at the entrance.

Double In Size
With the extensions the Hall proper will be more than doubled in size, but sub-divided by sliding, folding partitions into five spaces so that multiple use will be possible. We shall have a dismountable stage which can be placed wherever it is wanted for functions, and to enable us to dine 150 or seat 200 for a show.

Best In District
When we reopen in October this year we will have made from the old 1914-18 hut one of the best equipped and best looking Halls in the district.

We are going to be tight for money to pay for kitchen equipment and external works, but God Willing and Weather Permitting, we will get all of this before the day.
Randall Evans, Chairman.


Village Hall future site


Village Hall future site

Article 10

Circulated Letter - Final Appeal

By Joan West

This letter signed by the chairman and the treasurer explained the expenditure involved in renovating the Village Hall and thanks for the generous and willing support that has been given. It goes on : -

"We are now desperately short of money for fixtures and fittings. For example we need £300 for curtains, £600 for stage, £1,272 for extra chairs and tables, £1,000 for kitchen equipment and £250 for piano renovations. With this issue of Hallmark we are taking the liberty of launching a final appeal. Enclosed is an envelope which will be collected in a few days' time, or can be posted to the treasurer Cheques or donations whether £100, £50, £10, £5, or silver will be gratefully received and will ensure that the hall can be completed as originally intended".

Article 11

The Reopening

Report By Ernie Cummins

Hallmark November 1979

I am at a loss for superlatives, because November 10th and 11th were such enjoyable, remarkable days. The Village Hall was re-opened in all its new splendour, and all the collecting, saving, planning, dances and sponsored walks were over for the time being.

By 2.30 p.m. the building was filled to capacity and the gathering which included many special guests, gazed all around with appreciation, waiting expectantly for our chairman to open the proceedings.

  1. Right on cue, Randall Evans, our present chairman made his preliminary remarks and then handed over to --
  2. Ted Janes, committee chairman from 1967 - 76, a prime mover in the fund raising saga just completed. Just over £15,000 had been collected by the villagers, starting right back with the "nest egg", set aside by the late Miss Fagge, treasurer in the late 50' and 60's.
  3. Timothy Raison, our present Member of Parliament spoke. The Government having given 50% of the total grant.
  4. Next the Chairman of the Wycombe District Council, Councillor Paul Ensor
  5. And Geoffrey Spear, local representative on both County and District Councils.

Official Opening By Lady Bateman
The speeches led up to the introduction of Lady Bateman, who opened the Hall officially by unveiling two plaques

  1. A plaque commemorating the opening, and : -
  2. A plaque commemorating 50 years of service to the Hall by Mrs. Adams.

Lady Bateman, a village benefactor for many years, reflected on the Hall of earlier times, vividly describing its pumped water, coke fire - heated state. Having been responsible for the building of our last kitchen, 20 years ago, Lady Bateman was in a good position to comment on the latest arrangements, which she judged to be excellent

All the speakers praised the helpers, too numerous to mention in the main, nevertheless no one could object when special mention was made to the efforts of Vera Griffiths, now retired after so many years as secretary, and Messrs Jack and Bill Dell, but for whose fantastic labours the project would never have been completed: they have built the Old Hall into the New with painstaking skill and time consuming attention to detail. Both the completion of the Hall and the management of its re-opening are events for which the organisers should be highly commended

After the formalities, we all wished the New Hall well with a toast in free wine, and while we circulated around the premises, we were treated to a selection of light music by the pupils of St. John's School, directed by Mr. McBurnie, which the Palm Court Orchestra could not have improved upon.

The 'Canadairs', mature musicians of a different sort, played for the Dance and Buffet in the evening. Their choice of music, and its amplification, gave the structure of the building a severe test. Their virtuosity was dazzling and their volume deafening, but the dancers did them justice, really testing the floor

I noted specially that the food provided was 'good value for money' as usual, thanks to the social committee ladies. The bar too was in full spate, so we can say the Hall was well and truly christened that night. (NB, If we had 20% less amplification, we could have 100% more conversation, surely a good idea.)

Sunday Service
By way of Thanksgiving for all this, a combined service was held in the Hall on Sunday, 11th November for all interested parties, organised by the local Anglicans, Methodists, Baptists and Roman Catholics. The service was conducted by Revered Bernard Houghton who reminded us that it was fitting on this Remembrance Sunday to remember those who had given their lives to preserve this village life that we love so well as we remember all the events and the people connected with the Hall so far, in the 60 years we have used the site.

  1. Mrs. Margaret Stevens, representing our Roman Catholic friends, read Psalm 121, which emphasises our complete dependence on God's favour.
  2. Yours truly, representing the Baptists read Lesson, John 15. 'Love one another'.
  3. Reverend Ruth Orton, our local Methodist minister, picked up this theme again in her address, stressing our need to encourage all sections of the local community to enjoy our new facilities. Our loving attitude to each and every one person in the village is essential to the future happiness of our little community, as Jesus said over and over again.
  4. The three lovely hymns were beautifully accompanied by the playing of Mr Ron Rogers of the Wycombe Organ Centre, on an organ they had kindly loaned for the day.

Afterwards we were all guests of the committee for free tea and cakes.

What a wonderful weekend, - a milestone - never to be forgotten, E. C.

Village Hall future site

Ted Janes - left. Lady Bateman speaking.

The Millenium Hall - Project 2000

Following the 60th anniversary celebrations in 1984, which the Village Hall committee felt were not very well supported, the village continued to tick along in a similar vein. The public more or less taking it for granted, few realising that this village amenity did not run itself, or that like every building had overheads that had to be paid for, whether it was used or not.

As the building got older the design faults of a revamped building and the wear and tear of public use took their toll.

The dedicated few that made up the committee and a loyal band of a few volunteer helpers worked hard to keep the fabric repaired and the grounds in good order.

At the same time the facilities that the hall provided were becoming outdated and bookings were dropping off. Balancing the accounts became ever more difficult.

The Village Hall Social Committee established two events that were so well supported that they more or less became village traditions and helped the Hall finances enormously - the Turkey Supper and the Strawberry tea.

Then there was Village Day, this was bi-annual and always raised a lot of money. The alternating year the Lacey Green Productions performed a grand musical and gave huge profits to the village hall and other charities.

However things were beginning to look very bleak. The older the hall got, the more it needed repairing, which cost money and manpower. The older the hall got the more outdated the facilities, the more bookings dropped off.

Year 2000 was in sight. How would the village want to celebrate a new millennium? Would that celebration required the use of the hall?

It seemed an unattainable dream, but there was just a chance!. A Millennium Commission had been set up to fund certain community projects. Lacey Green and Loosley Row certainly needed a new Village Hall.

The one thing the villages seem to rise to is a major challenge. Having taken the Village Hall more or less for granted for years, every organisation and virtually every person, in however small or large way they could, backed what they called Project 2000.

Hallmark May 1996.
AGM Village Hall.
Report By Chairman - Tony Smart

An indication of the Hall being in constant need of repair followed by the not entirely original idea of a new hall.

At the AGM on March 19th Tim Jones passed over a cheque from Bucks County Council for £4,000, for recladding the hall, thanks to Mike Richards for his efforts in obtaining this grant.

Suggested at Committee - Investigate the chance of a Millennium Lottery Grant for a new hall.

The Millenium presented a never to be repeated lottery grant opportunity - if only...

Target was to be a seemingly impossible £265,000 to rebuild with bricks and mortar of which the village would need to raise half.

Hallmark May 1997

Village Hall Report By Chairman, Tony Smart

A Temporary Fix

Millennium Commission Site Visit

Current Position

The refurbishing work is now complete. We should be under no illusion, however, that this is only a temporary fix and it does not alter the fact that the basic structure is unsound and the services and utilities are all in need of updating and bringing up to current standards.

I am pleased to report that we had a successful site visit by representatives from the Commission. However, they did recognise that the key to our success was our ability to match the funds they were offering and to have these available or the majority promised by September this year. The Commission will be making a further site visit during May to discuss our progress.

The position is currently as follows: The architect has been appointed and given the go ahead to prepare the initial plans and to liaise with hall users and other interested parties to ensure that he has a consensus as to the facilities required. As promised an open meeting will take place to discuss the initial plans with the architect as soon as they are available.

I am pleased to see that various organisations and individuals have started serious fund raising.
We need £132,500 to match the funding on offer from the Millennium Commission. Our current prediction on funds, available, promised or expected is as follows:-

  • Available from Village Hall funds
  • Promised by Parish Council and other bodies
  • Predicted from VH events over the next 24 months
    £ 4,000
  • Funds derived from Village Day/other major events
    £ 8,000
  • Total from above:

We have requested a grant from W.D.C. which has the full support of our local councillor and this could amount to £50,000 which will bring the total to £90,000.

You can see that with your support on the covenant scheme and 'Buy a Brick', the target of £132,000 is achievable and we should be able to convince the Millennium Commission that we are all serious about our new hall and that we will have sufficient funds to make this happen.

News On 13th November 1997.

*One Of Seventy One*


Covenant Scheme

Donations Register

Possible Loans

Open Evening

We were given the news on 13th November that we were one of only 71 projects throughout the country to be given a grant by the Millennium Commission, which as you are aware is subject to us providing the matched funding.

I would ask any of you who may still like to join the covenant scheme to do so now, it is the most effective way to help; if you give £100 this becomes approximately £125 with the tax benefit we receive and hence £250 when matched by the Millennium Commission.

All contributors will be listed in the book which will be displayed in the new hall.

It has been suggested by a villager that if we find it impossible to make the final figure by the middle of 1998, some of you may consider making an interest loan, to be paid back after the new hall is built.

You are invited to the Village Hall AGM on 7th April, which will be combined with an open evening to bring you up to date on the progress of Project 2000.

Village Hall future site

Hallmark August 1998

Extract From The Village Hall Chairman's Report

Since last Hallmark a number of very successful events have taken place to raise money for the new hall.

Jumble/Plant Sale
Arranged jointly by the Horticultural Society and the Village Hall

Auction Of Promises
A very successful event thanks go to Candy Piercy and her helpers, and all those who donated some really interesting promises.

Family Fun Day
Organised by the Walking Club.

Fashion Show
Organised by the Windmill Under Fives Playgroup

The Last Dance
Theatre performance by Lacey Green Productions. They presented a large cheque on the evening from profits made at their previous show, The Roman Invasion of Ramsbottom (literally, it was 5 feet by 2 feet)

Our Thanks
The Village Hall Committee would like to take this opportunity of thanking all the organisations and individuals who have contributed so far. We still have some way to go to cover the loans needed to cover the current shortfall of around £15,000.

Hallmark May 1999.

Village Hall Chairman's Report

On the 19th March we signed the contract with Messrs Beeks of High Wycombe for the building of the new hall with a planned completion date of the 22nd October. The construction work is currently ahead of schedule, and we are hoping that with such a good start we may be in a position to open the hall before this date. I think everyone was surprised how quickly the demolition of the old hall was completed, and I am sorry to say that there was no pot of gold under the old floor. At the time of going to print the foundations are complete and the exterior walls are now above shoulder height.

Progress Agreed
The second site meeting took place and the first progress payment agreed, resulting in our first claim on the Millennium Commission for matched funding. We have received our first stage payments from Wycombe District Council, the Parish Council and a second payment from the Mobbs Memorial Trust. We would like to take this opportunity to thank these organisations for their invaluable support of Project 2000.

The Countryside Agency
With the help of Francis Gomm, the Village Hall advisor from Bucks CVS, we submitted a detailed application for a grant from the Rural Development Commission, which is now part of The Countryside Agency. We were delighted to receive confirmation that funding would be made available to complete the additional rear storage area. This will be invaluable for the local organisations, and as a result of this the TeleCottage (IT facility) will now be in place at the time of opening.

Kitchen Equipment
I am pleased to report that Airflow Developments Ltd, who are based on the Cressex Estate, offered us a full range of stainless steel kitchen equipment within the small budget we had available. We would like to thank Keith Burrows, who lives in the village, and the other directors of Airflow for their generosity.

AGM 1999
The AGM took place on 23rd March and I would like to thank everyone who attended. The executive committee all agreed to continue in post for a further year and Roger Brudenell joined us as a co-opted member. All the organisations put forward a representative for the management committee and I am, therefore, pleased to report that the Village Hall and its committee are well placed for the New Millennium.

Village Hall future site

The Hall in 2020